2469 Copper Creek Drive, Bay City, MI 48706, (989) 780-3168, gcorser@gmail.com, www.georgecorser.com
PHD, Computer Science and Informatics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, 12/2015
MS, Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Michigan - Flint, Flint, Michigan, 8/2011
BSE, Civil Engineering and Operations Research, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 6/1985
DEPARTMENT CHAIR, Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS), 7/2024 to present
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS), 7/2014 to present
Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU), University Center, Michigan, 7/2014 to present
SVSU is Michigan's youngest public university, with ~9,000 undergraduate and ~1,000 graduate students
- Teaching: Instructs students and develops original materials for web/mobile programming and cybersecurity courses, including in-person, online, undergraduate and graduate courses. See also: Current Courses.
- Research: Publishes well-cited research in high-impact-factor venues. Topics: Internet of Things (IoT), vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) security, and location privacy. In first four academic years, published 6 scholarly works as lead author, including an award-nominated dissertation, a journal paper for IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and a white paper for IEEE Internet Initiative. Mentors future researchers. Published 3 papers with undergraduate student co-authors, and 7 papers with doctoral student co-authors. Serves on three doctoral advisory committees. Reviewed proposals, reviewed dissertations, and coached presentations of three PhD candidates at nearby Oakland University. See also: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, ACM, IEEE Xplore, IEEE.org.
- Service: Leads local groups of nationally recognized outreach and enrichment initiatives. Highlights: Serves as faculty advisor of ACM student chapter (ACM@SVSU), the largest CSIS student organization at SVSU. Organized two TED talks (TEDxSVSU). Led several Hour of Code events. Developed FIRST Robotics volunteer website for SVSU. Promotes campus diversity, as Inclusion Advocate. Serves as Campus Security Authority.
- Invited Talks: Presents technical talks to local, national and international audiences: Delivered an invited keynote talk at a technical conference in Hail, Saudi Arabia (2023). "IoT Security Best Practices" IEEE Webinar, to international researchers and industry practitioners, 2017. "Properties of Vehicle Network Privacy" to policy makers, researchers, and industry practitioners at IEEE End to End Trust and Security Workshop for the Internet of Things in Washington, D.C., 2016. "Threats in Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) Communication," to hackers, at Bsides Detroit, 2014. Local television appearances include: FOX66 News (Online Shopping), FOX66 News (Malware) (Video) and ABC12 News (Cybersecurity).
- Grants: Writes winning grant proposals. Won four grants as Principal Investigator (PI): SVSU Foundation Resource Grant, TEDxSVSU, $5500; SVSU Undergraduate Research Program Grant, Safety-Silence Tradeoff Equation, $1000; SVSU Faculty Research Grant, VANET Privacy, $3260; Herbert H and Grace Dow Professor Award, Collaborative Computer Science Education, $5000. Wrote winning grant proposal from State of Michigan Department of Education for Early Career Academy, $141,800.
INSTRUCTOR (Part Time), Computer Science and Engineering, and Criminal Justice departments
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, Fall, 2012, and Winter, 2014
Concurrent with PhD studies. Official title was Teaching Assistant, but taught as sole teacher. Achieved perfect 5.0 rating at RateMyProfessors.com.
INSTRUCTOR (Part Time), Information Technology
ITT Technical Institute, Troy, Michigan, Summer, 2011, to Winter, 2014
*** Experience prior to 2011 was outside academia ***
Managed information technology (IT), engineering and accounting recruiting agencies. Managed staffs of up to 66, budgets of up to $7MM. From 1985 to 1988: coded COBOL programs, mostly for the US Naval Air Force. From 1988 to 2009: recruited IT professionals, managers and executives, first as recruiter, later as hands-on manager of recruiting agencies in USA and South Korea. Representative positions:
RECRUITING MANAGER, Aspen Search Group, Division of Michigan Staffing, Warren, MI, 2008.
Managed a staff of 4.
MANAGING DIRECTOR, International Recruiting, EngineerKorea, Seoul, South Korea, 2005.
Co-founded this South Korean recruiting agency.
MANAGING DIRECTOR, Technology Talent Acquisition, Corser Smith LLC, Troy, MI, 1998-2002.
Managed staff of 6 internal, 18 external professionals.
Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU), University Center, Michigan, 7/2014 to present
- CIS-255: Client Side Web App Development
- CIS-355: Server Side Web App Development
- CS-116: Computer Programming I
- CS-160: Microcomputer Software
- CS-232: Cybersecurity System Administration
- CS-233: Cybercrime, Technology and Countermeasures
- CS-403: Mobile App Development (Android)
- CS-461: Theory of Computation
- CSIS-503: Mobile Computing (graduate course)
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, Fall, 2012, and Winter, 2014
- CIS-448: Information Security Practice
- CRJ-341: Cybercrime
ITT Technical Institute, Troy, Michigan, Summer, 2011, to Winter, 2014
- CS-111: Client Side Web Scripting
- CS-140: Business Concepts for Application Developers
- CS-250: Open Source Programming
- CS-280: Web Security and Ethics
- IT-104: Introduction to Programming
- IT-219: Programming in Java II
- Morel, B., and Corser, G.. State of Research in Mobile Biometrics, and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence. IEEE SoutheastCon 2025 (pending).
- Corser, G.. ChatGPT in Teaching Theory of Computation: Capabilities From 2023 To 2024. ICONEST 2024 (pending).
- Corser, G.. ChatGPT in Teaching Theory of Computation. ICONEST 2023.
- Reinert, J., and Corser, G.. Classification of Blockchain Implementation in Mobile Electronic Health Records and Internet of Medical Things Devices Research. IEEE SoutheastCon 2021.
- Senjalia, N., and Corser, G.. Classification of Mobile Healthcare App Research. IEEE SoutheastCon 2021.
- Bodeis, W., and Corser, G.. Blockchain Adoption, Implementation and Integration in Healthcare Application Systems. IEEE SoutheastCon 2021.
- Alshammari, A., Zohdy, M., and Corser, G. (2019). Real Time Vehicular Traffic Simulation for Black Hole Attack in the Greater Detroit Area. Journal of Information Security. DOI:10.4236/jis.2020.111004 (PDF)
- Banihani, A., Zaiter, A., Corser, G., Fu, H. and Alzahrani, A. (2019). Evaluating Trajectory Privacy in Autonomous Vehicular Communications and Applications. WCX SAE World Congress Experience - Intelligent Transportation Systems Section. DOI: 10.4271/2019-01-0487 (PDF)
- Alharbi, A., Zohdy, M., Debnath, D., Olawoyin, R., & Corser, G. (2018). Sybil attacks and defenses in internet of things and mobile social networks. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 15(6), 36-41. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2544625
- Zhu, Y., Gurary, J., Corser, G., Oluoch, J., Alnahash, N., Fu, H., and Tang, J. (2018). CMAPS: A Chess-Based Multi-Facet Password Scheme for Mobile Devices. IEEE Access. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2872772 (PDF)
- Alshammari, A., Zohdy, M., and Corser, G. (2018). Classification Approach for Intrusion Detection in Vehicle Systems. Wireless Engineering and Technology. DOI:10.4236/wet.2018.94007
- Banihani, A., Alzahrani, A., Alharthi, R., Fu, H. and Corser, G. (2018). T-PAAD: Trajectory Privacy Attack on Autonomous Driving. 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Beijing, 2018, pp. 1-2. DOI:10.1109/CNS.2018.8433168
- Bassous, R., Mansour, A., Bassous, R., Fu, H., Zhu, Y. and Corser, G. (2017). Ambiguous Multi-Symmetric Scheme and Applications. Journal of Information Security. DOI:10.4236/jis.2017.84024
- Corser, G., Masasabi, M., Kivari, L., Fu, H. (2017). Properties of vehicle network privacy. Michigan Academician, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp287-303. DOI:10.7245/0026-2005-44.3.287 (PDF)
- Corser, G. (2017, August). Why IoT security is so important - and what to do about it. IoT Tech News. 4 August 2017. IEEE. (WEB)
- Corser, G., Banihani, A., Cox, J., Hoque, R., Fu, H. (2017, July). Location privacy, application overhead and congestion in VANET location based services. In 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS), Beijing, China, 2017, pp. 243-248. IEEE. DOI:10.1109/BigDataSecurity.2017.52 (PDF)
- Corser, G., Fink, G., Aledhari, M., Bielby, J., Nighot, R., Mandal, S., Aneja, N., Hrivnak, C., and Cristache, L. (2017). Internet of Things (IoT) security best practices [White paper]. (PDF)
- Bielby, J.; Bashir, A. K.; Corser, G., "End-to-End Security and Privacy by Design for IoT," in IEEE Technology Policy and Ethics , vol.1, no.1, pp.1-5, Nov. 2016, doi: 10.1109/NTPE.2016.9778155.
- Corser, G. (2016). Securing location privacy in vehicular applications and communications (Doctoral dissertation, Oakland University). (PDF) Nominated for Outstanding Dissertation Award
- Corser, G., Fu, H., and Banihani, A. (2016). Evaluating location privacy in vehicular communications and applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(9), 2658-2667. DOI:10.1109/TITS.2015.2506579 (PDF) Nominated for 2016 Caspar Bowden PET Award.
- Corser, G., Arenas, A., and Fu, H. (2016, February). Effect on vehicle safety of nonexistent or silenced basic safety messages. In Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE. DOI:10.1109/ICCNC.2016.7440550 (PDF)
- Gurary, J., Zhu, Y., Corser, G., Oluoch, J., Alnahash, N., and Fu, H. (2015, November). MAPS: A multi-dimensional password scheme for mobile authentication. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces (pp. 409-412). ACM. DOI:10.1145/2817721.2823479 (PDF)
- Corser, G., Fu, H., Shu, T., D'Errico, P., Ma, W., Leng, S., and Zhu, Y. (2014, June). Privacy-by-Decoy: Protecting location privacy against collusion and deanonymization in vehicular location based services. In Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 2014 IEEE (pp. 1030-1036). IEEE. DOI:10.1109/IVS.2014.6856595 (PDF)
- Alnahash, N., Corser, G., Fu, H. (2014, April). Protecting Vehicle Privacy using Dummy Events. In 2014 American Society For Engineering Education North Central Section Conference. ASEE NCS 2014. (PDF)
- Oluoch, J., Corser, G., Fu, H., Zhu, Y. (2014, April). "Simulation Study of Trust Management Schemes in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)" (2014). Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Faculty Publications. 305. https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/enece_facpub/305 ASEE NCS 2014 (PDF)
- Alrajei, N., Corser, G., Fu, H., Zhu, Y. (2014, February). Energy Prediction Based Intrusion Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 2. IJETAE. (PDF)
- Corser, G., Fu, H., Shu, T., D'Errico, P and Ma, W. (2013, December). Endpoint protection zone (EPZ): Protecting LBS user location privacy against deanonymization and collusion in vehicular networks. In Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 2013 International Conference on (pp. 369-374). IEEE. DOI:10.1109/ICCVE.2013.6799822 (PDF)
- Corser, G., Arslanturk, S., Oluoch, J., Fu, H., and Corser, G. E. (2013). Knowing the Enemy at the Gates: Measuring Attacker Motivation. In International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), 5(2), 83-95. DOI:10.4018/JITN.2013040107 (PDF)
- Corser, G. (2012, October). A tale of two CTs: IP packets rejected by a firewall. In Proceedings of the 2012 Information Security Curriculum Development Conference (pp. 16-20). ACM. DOI:10.1145/2390317.2390320 (PDF) Best Paper Runner Up Award
- Corser, G. (2012, October). Professional association membership of computer and information security professionals. In Proceedings of the 2012 Information Security Curriculum Development Conference (pp. 9-15). ACM. DOI:10.1145/2390317.2390319 (PDF) Best Student Paper Runner Up Award
- Oakland University - Member, Doctoral Advisory Committee (2020) - Abdelnasser Bani hani Topic: Vehicular Network Privacy - Jan. 8, 2020.
- Oakland University - Member, Doctoral Advisory Committee (2019) - Abdulaziz Alshammari Topic: Security in Wireless Sensor Networks - Feb. 7, 2019.
- Oakland University - Member, Doctoral Advisory Committee (2018) - Nahed Alnahash Studying Water Pollution Based on Wireless Sensor Networks and Stochastic Approximation Method - Dec. 7, 2018.
- Oakland University - Member, Doctoral Advisory Committee (2018) - Ali Alharbi - Detection of Sybil Attacks in MANET using Semi-Supervised Hidden Markov Model - Sept. 12, 2018.
- Travel grant. I Annotate. (May 2017), sponsored by Hypothes.is, funded by SVSU College of Science, Engineering & Technology
- Invited speaker, IEEE End to End Trust and Security Workshop for the Internet of Things in Washington, DC (February 2016), funded by IEEE
- Invited researcher, Intel Corporation Automotive Security Review Board (ASRB) meetup at Automotive Cyber Security Summit in San Francisco (October 2015), funded by Intel Corporation
- Travel grant, NSF/DIMACS Workshop for Aspiring PIs in Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (August 2014), funded by NSF
- Member, ACM, Association of Computing Machinery (www.acm.org)
- Member, IEEE (www.ieee.org); Member, IEEE Computer Society (www.computer.org); Member, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (its.ieee.org); Member, IEEE Internet of Things Community (iot.ieee.org); Member, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (www.vtsociety.org)
- Member, Michigan Infragard (www.michiganinfragard.org)
- Member, SAE, Society of Automotive Engineers (www.sae.org and www.midmichigansae.org)
- Member, ASEE, American Society for Engineering Education (www.asee.org)
- Member, CSTA, Computer Science Teachers Association (www.csteachers.org)
- Herbert H and Grace Dow Professor Award, 2015
- Best Paper Runner Up Award, InfoSecCD, 2012
- Best Student Paper Runner Up Award, InfoSecCD, 2012
- King Chavez Parks Future Faculty Fellowship, 2009
- Department chair, SVSU, CSIS department, 2024-present.
- Faculty Adviser, SVSU, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), Student Chapter, 2024-present.
- Faculty Host, SVSU, STEM@SVSU, Teen Science Cafe, 2024-present. Teen Science Café out-of-school programs are a free, fun way for teens to explore the big advances in science and technology affecting their lives.
- Board Secretary, United Financial Credit Union, 2023-present. I maintain board records and serve on Executive Board for this $300+ million nonprofit savings and loan cooperative.
- Treasurer, Saginaw Alano Club, 2023-present. I collect, deposit, and account for all money received or spent by this small, nonprofit corporation.
- Treasurer, Meadow Lake Condominium Association, 2023-present.
- Managing Partner, Corser Partners LLC, 2022-present. I serve as resident agent and proprietor of this residential real estate investment company.
- Faculty Host, SVSU, STEM@SVSU, Hour of Code, 2022-present. The annual Hour of Code event at SVSU consists of students participating in 60 minutes of coding, the process of writing a computer program using a programming language.
- Floor Representative, SVSU, Faculty Association, 2018-present. The major role of the floor rep is to be available for faculty who have questions about issues that are covered by the faculty contract.
- Campus Security Authority, SVSU, 2017-present. Campus security authority is a Clery Act term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution.
- Inclusion Advocate, SVSU, Office of Diversity Programs, 2016-present. At SVSU, an Inclusion Advocate helps with the search and screening of new hires. They are part of the formal hiring process and help ensure that hiring decisions are effective.
- Member, Michigan Infragard, 2014-present. InfraGard is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and members of the private sector for the protection of U.S. Critical Infrastructure.
- Faculty Adviser, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter, 2017, ACM is the largest CSIS club at SVSU.
- Faculty Adviser, CardinalCon.Com, Major League Hacking (MLH) Hack Day Event, 12/2/2017. Next event will be held 3/23/2019.
- Faculty Adviser, Google IgniteCS, 2016-2017
- Faculty Adviser, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Research Group, 2017
- Faculty Adviser, Cardinal Bitcoiners, 2015
- Faculty Adviser, Cardinal Solutions, 2015 (www.svsucardinalsolutions.org)
- Faculty Adviser, 2015-present (www.svsucardinalsolutions.org)
- Informal Faculty Adviser, Virtual Reality Research Group (VR-ReG), 2016
- Organizer, TEDxSVSU (www.tedxsvsu.com), 2015, 2016
- Campus Security Authority (CSA), SVSU, 2017-present
- Inclusion Advocate, Office of Diversity Programs, SVSU, 2016-present
- Faculty Volunteer, Cardinal College Day (16 times)
- Chair, Classroom Technology Working Group, College of Science, Engineering and Tech (SET).
- Member, STEM@SVSU (www.svsu.edu/stem/)
- Mobile App Developer. Helped build mobile apps for Marshall Fredericks Sculpture Museum (MFSM) and Undergraduate Research Group (UGRP).
- Chaired/served on several faculty search committees.
- Received personal trainer from SVSU Kinesiology, twice, and continie to visit SVSU gym
- Received Terminal/4 training and became authorized to update CSIS dept web site.
- Presented my experience with Echo360 and Lightboard
- Make annual presentations to English 462 class
- Local television appearances include: FOX66 News (Online Shopping), FOX66 News (Malware) (Video) and ABC12 News (Cybersecurity).
- Volunteer and activity leader, Hour of Code (www.hourofcode.com), in conjunction with STEM@SVSU and ACM@SVSU
- Coding Camp Leader, CS/EXPLORE 2017, Coding Bootcamp, Summer 2017. Students from USA from age 12 to 18 explored coding in robotics, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and more.
- Coding Camp Leader, CS/EXPLORE 2018, Coding Bootcamp, Summer 2018. Middle school students from the Philippines explored coding in robotics, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and more.
- Website Developer, FIRST Robotics Event, April 2017. Created Cardinal Volunteer web app to organize volunteers.
- Faculty Fellow, Dow Corning Foundation/SVSU STEM Community Partnership, 2015-present
- Hosted Midland HS 10th grade computer programming seminar.
- Organized interview road trip to General Motors in Warren, Mich. One student was hired for product cybersecurity.
- Obtained funding for 2 students and 1 faculty to attend Intel Corporation Automotive Security Review Board (ASRB) meetup in San Diego (January 2016), all expenses paid by Intel Corporation
- Spoke to meeting of K12 teachers at Valley Lutheran HS.
- Board Secretary, Early Career Academy Charter HS, 2014-2017